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The Powerful home visit.

Thousand's of Home Visits
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Personalized giving.

70+ Chapters
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Creating stronger communities.

1000+ Volunteers
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Inventing a new way of giving.

Pink Heals partnering with hlthe.
About us

Who Are We?

We put our volunteerism and our labor of love to work for the people in communities around the world. It is our mission to provide the pathway for giving that drives funding solutions to individuals and communities in need on a global level. It is our goal that money raised and donated by individuals, groups, public servants, or businesses make a profound difference in the world. Money accrued by giving should be targeted for a specific purpose, be trackable, and reach the people for whom it is intended.  Pink Heals is personalized support at a grass roots level and visionary leaders across the world are implementing our program at a rapid pace.

The Pink Heals National Tour operates by the sale of merchandise, gifts, local sponsorship and in-kind donations to maintain our vehicles, buy gas and travel across the country and the world to visit individuals and share the program. When we run the National Tour drivers volunteer up to 21 days at a time to drive pink fire trucks and police cars across America and deliver the Pink Heals Program directly to communities.

How It Works

The Pink Heals National Tour operates by the sale of merchandise, gifts, local sponsorship and in kind donations to maintain our vehicles, buy gas and travel across the country to visit individuals and share the program. Tour drivers volunteer up to 21 days at a time to drive pink fire trucks and police cars across America and deliver the Pink Heals Program to communities.

Contact Us
Our Mission

Pink Heals provides a global pathway for giving that drives funding solutions to individuals and communities in need.

" The Pink Heals Tour is about our community, our family, our neighbors, and our leaders and how it will help bring us back together to focus on one another."

- Dave Graybill
founder picture

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“Karen” with Karen our first truck!

A woman to whom I owe a most special "Thank You" for believing in me (Dave Graybill) and the vision of this initiative, Pink Heals. We are focused on our charity’s ability to bring about long lasting and meaningful change in the lives of people and communities by helping to create immediate funds through tax based organizations such as but not limited to our first line of defense The Fire and Police Forces.


How Can You Help?

The Pink Heals National Tour operates by the sale of merchandise, gifts, local sponsorship and in-kind donations to maintain our vehicles, buy gas and travel across the country and the world to visit individuals and share the program. When we run the National Tour drivers volunteer up to 21 days at a time to drive pink fire trucks and police cars across America and deliver the Pink Heals Program directly to communities.

Ways to help

  • Cash
  • In-Kind Products & Services
  • Volunteers
  • Marketing Muscle

Types of donated and/or purchading discounts needed

  • Gasoline/Fuel (mostly Diesel)
  • Hotel/Motel Rooms
  • Groceries/Restaurant Meals
  • Airline Tickets/ Miles
  • Food & Beverage/Catering Events
  • T-Shirt & promotional apparel
Meet the Founder

About The Founder of Pink Heals

Dave Graybill is a visionary leader who founded Pink Heals, Inc., a grass roots volunteer organization bringing love and hope to people on a local level and Hlthe (pronounced “healthy”) LLC, a worldwide platform that is changing the way individuals, non-profits and businesses donate to one another, making every transaction transparent.

Dave believes that our innate calling to serve those in need should be driven directly to the person in need. His vision is to change or replace the systems that do not support the driving force of this great nation, the people, with ones that do support us.

Pink Heals was founded on the premise that it is the heart of the woman that holds our families, communities and a country together. It is no mistake that the Statue of Liberty is a woman, that Mother Nature rules the earth or that we refer to our nation as the Motherland.

The vehicles are pink to signify our women and their passion for selfless giving. Those vehicles drive door to door to bring back the human element of celebrating people, and not the causes or ribbons that have become so commonplace. Hlthe was founded on that same core philosophy of personalized giving.  Using technology, Hlthe is able to guarantee that money donated for basic needs, such as healthcare, is used for the exact purpose, and person, it was intended for in the first place. It makes giving safe, secure, and trackable!

Dave has been featured on CNN and nationally on countless news stations, newspapers and magazines. He has shared his passion for people with national audiences large and small. His book, Pink Heals, The Mending of America has been in circulation since 2011 and his years of door to door visits via the Pink Heals National Tour can be viewed on YouTube as well as Facebook and his website. His frequent posts about the vision and success of Hlthe can be found there as well.



Chapter Information

Tammy Denfeld

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